Webinar: IRA Changes & Strategies
You MUST Know

Bob Carlson

IRAs used to be simple.

“Set-it-and-forget-it” was all you needed to know.

But, in recent years, wider rules and regulations have made using IRAs more and more complicated.

In fact (and this goes against conventional wisdom), deferring taxes on your IRAs is often times now the enemy!

Why? Because doing so can secretly eat away at your retirement nest egg.

What’s more, you simply can’t predict what tax laws will be like next year, much less in 5, 10 or 20 years.

That’s why it’s so important to understand today’s “ins and outs” about IRAs…

So you can be confident you’re making the most cost-effective strategic decisions possible for your retirement portfolio. 

That’s why I’ve put together this timely new presentation.

For example, I often recommend using what I call “tax diversification” strategies on your assets, so you’ll be well prepared for any changes that happen going forward.

I’ll explain this, and much more — in simple, actionable terms — in my new, money-saving webinar:  IRA Changes & Strategies You MUST Know.

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IRA Changes & Strategies
You MUST Know

About Bob Carlson
Robert C. Carlson is the author of the books The New Rules of Retirement and Retirement Tax Guide, editor and investment director of the popular retirement newsletter, Retirement Watch, and editor of the free weekly e-letter, Retirement Watch Weekly. Bob is a frequent speaker at investment conferences around the country, and you can also hear Bob as a featured guest on nationally-syndicated radio shows, such as The Retirement Hour, Dateline Washington, Family News in Focus, The Michael Reagan Show, Money Matters and The Stock Doctor.