IRA Investment Guide: A Road Map for Avoiding the Traps and Penalties for IRA Investments

Investing Your IRA in Gold, Real Estate, and More

Which assets are allowed, and which aren’t

You’re supposed to diversify your investment portfolio. You want to protect it from bear markets, inflation, deflation, and more.

What many IRA investors don’t know is Congress and the IRS built obstacles on the road to diversification.

For example:

Traditional investments in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds won’t cause problems. But venture into hard assets or nontraditional assets and strategies, and you’ll need to pull out the rule book.

Often, your IRA custodian won’t warn that you’re heading into dangerous waters. It’s not the custodian’s job to give you investment or legal advice. Most tax and financial advisors also aren’t aware of the all the rules and restrictions in the tax code. You need to learn the rules on your own and have them handy before making new investments.

My report provides the roadmap you need to avoid the many dangers for IRA investors. You’ll learn:

Investors who used traditional assets and strategies have been burned the last 10 years. You’re right to seek alternatives for your money. But the IRS and the tax code don’t always cooperate. With the IRA Investment Guide you’ll have a handy guide around the twists, turns, detours, and potholes the tax code places in the way of those who want to invest in something other than simple stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

You can download the IRA Investment Guide, a 24 page PDF file, in a few minutes for only $29.99. Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your investment opportunities without receiving bills from the IRS.