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Taxes in Retirement

Bob Carlson of Retirement Watch on how to manage your taxes and planning strategies to pay less

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How to Put Investments in the Right Places?

January 1, 2006

With today’s tricky tax law, the account in which you hold an asset can be as important as which assets you own. Unfortunately, too little attention is paid to the issue of which accounts should hold which investments. Most of us have more than one type of investment account: 401(k)s, traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, taxable […]


Charitable Deduction Rules

January 1, 2006

Large charitable gifts require extra detail on your tax return. When a contribution of property is between $500 and $5,000, details must be provided about the gifts on Section A of Form 8283. When the value exceeds $5,000, a qualified appraisal must be included. Complete details about the reporting requirements are in IRS Publication 561 […]

How to Ensure Your House Move is Legal

December 1, 2005

Moving is becoming harder than ever. I’m not referring to the significant expense and work needed to transport your goods from one home to another. That hassle and cost could be a drop in the bucket. The real problem is convincing the different states involved that you really have moved. Because of aggressive and contradictory […]

Higher Taxes for You in 2006?

December 1, 2005

If Congress does not act, income taxes will rise for many of us in 2006. As we go to print, Congress had not stirred itself to extend a number of popular and important tax breaks that will expire at the end of 2005. Congressional tax leaders weren’t even sure that they would be able to […]


What you don’t know about retirement can hurt you. In fact, just a few wrong decisions in your investments, taxes, or estate planning could completely derail your retirement plans. Worse yet, the rules of the game keep changing, making it harder to keep up. For these reasons, I’ve assembled all the key points – everything you need to know — into one comprehensive report. Click here today for free access.

The Most Overlooked Deduction

December 1, 2005

Those who inherit IRAs often are not aware of a deduction they can take to shelter IRA distributions from income taxes. Even most tax experts do not understand “income in respect of a decedent.” Most skip over the topic in school and expect not to run into it. But with so many people owning valuable […]


Elements of Retiree Tax Reduction Plan

November 1, 2005

Most retirees were misinformed about taxes. They were told that their income tax rates would decline in retirement. The unfortunate truth is that for many people, income tax rates stay the same or rise after retirement. In fact, retirees often face the highest marginal tax rates (the rate on the last dollar of income earned) […]

Estate Tax

How to Reduce the Taxes Due on the Sale of Highly Appreciated Real Estate

October 1, 2005

Many Americans on the coasts or in resort areas are selling homes for far more money than they ever imagined. Their gains often exceed the tax-free limit under federal tax law. In some cases, the home sellers are looking at paying more capital gains taxes than their homes initially cost. There are strategies for reducing […]


How to Boost Returns with Year-End Tax Planning

September 1, 2005

Don’t wait until later in the year to do year-end investment tax planning. The start of fall is the best time to make and begin implementing your plan. Year-end planning – with accompanying asset sales – will occur later in the year for most people. Mutual funds will do their fiscal year-end sales in late […]


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