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estate planning

How to Use Your House to Increase Wealth

July 1, 1998

Many of you have achieved that ultimate financial goal of owning a home debt-free. As comforting as that is, it might not be the best financial move. Home equity can be a low risk way to increase your after-tax wealth, especially in this era of low cost, low interest rate, easy-to-get home equity loans. I’ve […]


Escape Hatches For Estate Planning Trusts

June 1, 1998

It doesn’t take much to ruin a great estate plan. Many great plans, completed with careful work and good intentions, turn to disasters because of one simple decision – the wrong trustee was selected. Instead of being grateful that their parents and grandparents worked hard to provide for them, heirs become bitter and even resentful. […]


A Tax Break With Steady Income for Retirees

June 1, 1998

The old tax shelter industry promised something it couldn’t deliver: Tax breaks followed by a stream of income. Those limited partnerships never seemed to deliver the income, and some of the tax breaks were disallowed. But there is a strategy that will deliver current tax breaks with lifetime income, and it is tailor-made for retirees. […]

estate planning

Estate Planning Steps For Saving The Family Business

June 1, 1998

It’s time I had a talk with the business owners out there. The sad fact is that, even if you follow all the Estate Planning advice I give, few of those businesses will survive to benefit your children. And a scant few will benefit your grandchildren. But that doesn’t have to happen. Lack of preparation […]


What you don’t know about retirement can hurt you. In fact, just a few wrong decisions in your investments, taxes, or estate planning could completely derail your retirement plans. Worse yet, the rules of the game keep changing, making it harder to keep up. For these reasons, I’ve assembled all the key points – everything you need to know — into one comprehensive report. Click here today for free access.

tax-shelter-for corporate-owners

Tax Shelter For Corporate Owners

May 1, 1998

There’s a special tax shelter available only to owners of corporations. The shelter allows you to make a substantial contribution to charity using your corporation’s money, take the deduction on your own tax return, and avoid capital gains taxes on your stock profits. To make this deal work, you have to plan carefully and execute […]

estate planning

The Estate Planning Tool Of The Decade – Trusts

May 1, 1998

A good solution to many Estate Planning and asset protection problems is a trust. In past visits I’ve told you about many different types of trusts and the problems they can solve. But what I haven’t focused on is where to set up your trust. This question is almost as important as the type of […]


Buying Life Insurance Can Be Easy And Cheap

April 1, 1998

Life insurance premiums have been crashing for years. Now is the best time to buy insurance, and it is easier than ever to get the best deal. That’s because a number of services operating on the internet or through toll-free telephone numbers will survey premiums at a number of insurance companies and give you the […]


Which Investments For Tax-Deferred Accounts?

April 1, 1998

The tax law can make the simplest decisions difficult. For example, which investments should be put in your tax deferred accounts, and which in your taxable accounts? The answers might not be what you think. A little over a year ago I challenged the conventional wisdom on how best to split your investments between taxable […]


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