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Using Home Equity in Retirement

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The Widely Misunderstood Tax Rules for Home Sales

December 17, 2018

The tax rules for selling a personal residence seem to generate more widespread misunderstanding than most other parts of the tax code. The rules themselves are fairly simple as tax code provisions go. One problem seems to be that many people looking to sell homes don’t realize that the rules were overhauled in 1997. Another […]

estate planning

Aging in Place: 3 More Ways to “Future-Proof” Your Senior Home

January 5, 2018

“Aging in place” is a phrase associated with older Americans who wish to stay in their homes for as long as they’re able to. And according to an AARP 2015 survey, nearly 90% of respondents indicated a desire to do exactly that. Yet hardly anyone has developed a plan for how. Until now… Last week, […]


How to Downsize in Retirement: The Financial Impact

August 10, 2017

This week we’re continuing the downsizing theme by taking a deep dive into its financial impact. I’ve learned over the years that people often downsize only to find that it doesn’t generate the cash flow they expected. Consider, for starters, what you expect to have left over from selling the old house. I’m not referring to […]


Tips for Downsizing in Retirement

August 4, 2017

Home equity and the home are the most neglected and misunderstood factors in retirement planning. Since home equity is one of the largest assets for many people, a lot of money is left on the table. Surveys indicate that about 40% of baby boomers plan to move sometime after retiring. Many people assume they’ll downsize […]


Empty Nesters: Move or Remodel?

August 1, 2007

An as retirement approaches an important issue for empty nesters is what to do with the family home. The homeowners can move to a more suitable home, usually by downsizing into a smaller residence.  The other choice is to remodel the home to make it more compatible with the new lifestyle. Often, remodeling was considered […]


Is It a Good Time to Buy a Second Home

May 1, 2007

In our Feb. 2002 visit I advised, “If a second home interests you, now is a good time to take a serious looking at buying one.” Those who took my advice have done well. Vacation and second home prices were stagnant then because of the economic downturn but doubled in many areas between 2000 and […]


The Surge in Reverse Mortgages

March 1, 2007

Reverse mortgages suddenly are booming. The number of reverse mortgages insured by the federal government surged by 77% in 2006. Areas with high home prices and a high percentage of older people see the greatest number of the mortgages issued. Several factors are behind the increase in reverse mortgages. The aging population increases demand, as […]


Should You Keep Your Mortgage or Pay it Off?

August 1, 2006

A home is the most valuable asset owned by most Americans. A key and confusing financial issue for many is how to manage the home equity. Proper management of the equity can increase net worth and enhance one’s life style. Managing home equity means determining the trade off between a mortgage and unencumbered home equity. […]

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