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Annuities – what they are, how they work and how to choose the best type of Annuity

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Evaluating Inflation-Adjusted Annuities

February 1, 2013

A lifetime stream of guaranteed income is a goal for many people. Even better is to have that income stream increase with inflation. You can have a lifetime stream of guaranteed income that increases with inflation. You must study the options, plan, and shop carefully. An immediate annuity is the prime way to receive guaranteed […]

Comparing Bonds to Annuities

January 1, 2013

Can you build a bond portfolio that does a better job providing secure retirement income than an immediate annuity? Economists and many financial advisors believe some portion of a retiree’s portfolio should be placed in immediate annuities. These are the annuities that pay a regular income for life or the joint life of the owner […]

Should You Wait to Buy an Annuity?

December 1, 2012

In the pursuit of guaranteed lifetime income and replacements for employer pensions, many people are looking at annuities. Economists recommend them, and I’ve advised that many people put a portion of their nest eggs into annuities. But, since interest rates are low, annuity payouts are lower than they were a few years ago. Does it […]

The Shrinkage in Variable Annuities

November 16, 2012

Hartford Financial wants to get out of the annuity business. It wants out of the variable annuity business so badly that recently it offered to buy out the interests of current variable annuity holders. This is part of a trend among insurers to limit or withdraw from their annuity businesses. The problem for insurers is […]


What you don’t know about retirement can hurt you. In fact, just a few wrong decisions in your investments, taxes, or estate planning could completely derail your retirement plans. Worse yet, the rules of the game keep changing, making it harder to keep up. For these reasons, I’ve assembled all the key points – everything you need to know — into one comprehensive report. Click here today for free access.

Changing Variable Annuities

October 10, 2012

Investors flocked to variable annuities after the 2000 market crash. Insurers had enhanced the policies by offering guaranteed minimum rates of return, promising to make up for market losses, and other attractive terms. In the current environment, insurers are having a hard time keeping those promises. Low interest rates, lousy stock market returns, and other […]

Beware of These Annuity Marketing Tricks

July 1, 2012

Insurance brokers and companies are buzzing about the Glenn Neasham case. He was a California insurance agent who was found guilty in a criminal trial and sentenced to jail for selling an annuity to an elderly woman. The usual penalties for selling an unsuitable annuity are reprimands, fines, and perhaps a loss of license, not […]

The New Name for Annuities

June 11, 2012

An immediate annuity is a good part of many retirement plans. It provides guaranteed income for life, ensuring you won’t outlive all your money and will have a minimum income, in addition to Social Security. Some economists discuss a new reason to buy annuities. They call it dementia insurance. Everyone, as he or she ages, […]

Annuities: Valuing the New Guaranteed Income Offers

June 1, 2012

The hottest offering in guaranteed lifetime income plans now is the guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit (GLWB). This is a rider to variable annuity policies, and it also is available on some other insurance offerings. GLWB resurrected variable annuity sales after stocks crashed in 2008 and now is attracting even conservative investors. The rider is so […]


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