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Annuities – what they are, how they work and how to choose the best type of Annuity

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How to Choose An Annuity that Works For You

August 1, 2010

Investors are taking a closer look at annuities. Fed up with the volatility and uncertainty of the stock market and wanting to preserve what they saved for retirement, retirees and near-retirees are taking a fresh look at vehicles that were shunned during the bull market. Industry sources say investors are allocating more to annuities and […]

How to Find the Highest Paying Annuity

February 1, 2010

The easiest, surest way to increase your retirement income is to shop for annuities just as you would for anything else. Few retirees or prospective retirees do this, but I’ve shown over the years shopping will increase income. Insurers and other annuity payers use different assumptions to determine their payouts. They consider estimated investment returns […]

Protecting Lifetime Income from Inflation

December 1, 2009

Seniors are realizing the advantages annuities can provide for their retirement portfolios. Annuities pay steady income. Investors don’t worry about the volatility of their principal or income or whether to change the investment in volatile markets. Yet, there is a key disadvantage to annuities that keeps more people from using them. In this visit we […]


How to Maximize the Tax-Free Portion of Each Annuity Payment

July 1, 2009

The popularity of fixed and immediate annuities is climbing for those in or near retirement. It is not surprising. An immediate annuity offers fixed, guaranteed payments. The payments can last for life if you want, and even for the joint life of you and a beneficiary. In today’s volatile and uncertain markets, annuities add a […]


What you don’t know about retirement can hurt you. In fact, just a few wrong decisions in your investments, taxes, or estate planning could completely derail your retirement plans. Worse yet, the rules of the game keep changing, making it harder to keep up. For these reasons, I’ve assembled all the key points – everything you need to know — into one comprehensive report. Click here today for free access.

When It Pays to Mix IRAs and Annuities

June 1, 2009

There are many strategies to consider when it is time to take distributions from an IRA. In this visit we are going to cover two unique strategies that combine annuities with IRAs. Generally it is not a good idea to mix annuities and IRAs, because the annuity and IRA both have tax deferral. There often […]

How to Use the Annuity Ladder for Higher Security

April 1, 2009

Immediate annuities can enhance retirement financial security. They are not perfect, but some of their disadvantages can be reduced by purchasing annuities using an annuity ladder. When hearing “annuity,” most people think of variable annuities or deferred annuities. The immediate annuity (IA) is a very different vehicle. Regular payments begin soon after the IA is […]


Are Variable Annuities Safe?

December 1, 2008

First to fall were the homebuilders and mortgage companies. Then the investment banks and a few commercial banks tumbled. Next in line in the financial crisis might be insurance companies. Insurers, especially those that issue a lot of variable annuities, are under scrutiny and facing skepticism about their financial stability. The focus of attention lately […]


Why Fixed Annuity Sales are Soaring

October 1, 2008

Fixed annuities are drawing many more investors these days, especially annuities sold through banks. Insurance companies report sales are 80% and more above last year’s sales. Several factors make fixed annuities more attractive relative to other investments than in the recent past: Volatility and steep losses in stocks and many types of bonds make them […]


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