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Annuities – what they are, how they work and how to choose the best type of Annuity

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Annuities As Classic Investment Vehicles

December 1, 2001

There’s at least one good effect of the 18-month bear market we’ve endured. Investors are taking a new look at some classic investment vehicles. For example, sales of fixed annuities are rising while sales of variable annuities are declining. I’ve long argued that most variable annuities are sold to the wrong people, and I’ve pointed […]


How to Maximize Insured Retirement Income with Annuities

December 1, 2001

Most people want a steady, reliable income source in Retirement that they cannot outlive. But they also need for their income to grow, to maintain its purchasing power in the face of inflation. That’s a tough combination to get. In last month’s visit we looked at immediate annuities and fixed, deferred annuities as a way […]


Best Variable Annuity Strategies

October 1, 2000

Investors continue to pour money into variable annuities, many for the wrong reasons. It’s easy to understand why. Variable annuities are complicated. They also pay high commissions, encouraging strong sales efforts. Perhaps that is why about 14% of IRA-owners have all or part of their IRAs in variable annuities. Or why 11% of variable annuities […]


Profiting From “Excess” Annuities and Cash Value Life Insurance

March 1, 2000

Many of you own annuities or cash value life insurance that no longer fit your needs. They were good ideas when you bought them. But times have changed, and so have your needs. Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to enhance the value of these policies to you. Let’s look at a creative strategy […]


In my new Retirement Watch Spotlight Series, I’ll share my newest breakthrough strategies for protecting your assets and growing your portfolio, including how to prepare for the next market downturn. Click here now to learn more. 

Tragedy of Variable Annuities

The Tragedy of Variable Annuities

June 1, 1999

Variable annuities can be great tax-advantaged investment tools for the right people. But the boom in Variable Annuity sales hasn’t benefited many people. A large percentage of variable annuities are bought by people who won’t benefit from them and might even be taking a step backward. But there is good news on the variable annuity […]

Estate Planning

The Tax-Free Life Insurance Trust – An Estate Planning Strategy

June 1, 1999

There’s a big down-side to the boom in stocks and other financial assets. When the value of the assets you own goes up, so do potential estate and gift taxes. If you don’t take action, the IRS could end up with more of your estate than your loved ones. One easy way to handle the […]


Strategies for earning high and safe income from Annuities

December 1, 1998

The tax-deferral of annuities gets a lot of attention. But not much effort is devoted to the best way to get the highest, safest income from an annuity. Even less attention is devoted to buying an immediate annuity, one that begins paying income within a year. But you’ll hear more about these issues as insurers […]


What Are Variable Annuities?

September 1, 1998

Variable annuities are a new look. Insurers are cutting expenses and adding investment options to make their products more attractive. As a result, investors continue their decade-long practice of pouring billions of dollars into variable annuities. The lure of annuities is that there is no investment limit, you get to choose how your money is […]


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