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Life Expectancy

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How To Live Longer

October 26, 2018

Life expectancy is increasing in Spain. The country appears to be on track to have the longest-lived citizenry, bypassing Japan. According to this article, researchers credit life style changes with the expansion of life expectancy. Three key factors are extending lives. Fernando de la Fuente, who has run a fruit and veg stall in the […]

Life Expectancy Calculators

May 7, 2018

Estimating life expectancy is an important element of a good retirement plan. Your plan will be very different if you expect to live another 40 years after retiring than it would be if retirement is expected to last only 10 years. This article explains why estimating life expectancy is important and explains how to do […]

The New Retirement Trends

October 23, 2017

Retirement is changing, and it’s harder for people to attain the retirement they want. This Bloomberg story discusses recent data. One set of data says that Americans are retiring earlier, while the other data set says that life expectancy has stopped increasing. Americans are dying younger, on average. At the same time that Americans’ life […]

Life Expectancy by County

May 9, 2017

Life expectancy depends on many factors. Many people don’t realize how important where they live is in determining their life expectancy. A new research report presents the numbers by county in the U.S. The report has a lot of interesting details, not the least of which is that average life expectancy around the country varies […]

Life Expectancy Declines

November 17, 2016

After decades of ever-longer life expectancies, the average life expectancy in the U.S. declined by six months in the last year, according to the Society of Actuaries. The change applies to all age groups. This new data turns out to be a disappointment. Over the past several years, the health of Americans has deteriorated—particularly that […]

The Latest in Life Expectancy

November 20, 2014

Many people underestimate their life expectancy, and that makes it harder for them to make their nest eggs last. It doesn’t help that the professional actuaries are conservative. They don’t revise their official life expectancy tables very often and are careful not to overestimate expectancies for some reason. The big news is that the American […]

Life Expectancy in the U.S.

November 8, 2013

One of the criticisms of the medical system in the U.S. is that despite all the money we spend, we don’t have great results. Life expectancy is considered the prime way of measuring the effectiveness of medical care. Most of the time the U.S. ranks 19th or 20th when developed countries are ranked for life […]

Do Recessions Increase Life Expectancy?

November 21, 2012

I always urge people to examine the data. Don’t adopt a theory that makes sense until you’ve examined the data and seen the theory stand up. There are many misconceptions about finance and investing that exist because people don’t examine the data. They accept a theory that makes sense, even when the data contradict it. […]

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