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Taxes in Retirement

Bob Carlson of Retirement Watch on how to manage your taxes and planning strategies to pay less

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Slashing 2015 Taxes with Year-End Planning

September 1, 2015

Year-end tax planning should begin soon. Many people wait too long. By the time they come up with a year-end tax reduction plan, it is too late to execute much of it or they missed opportunities earlier in the year. Start early and reap the savings of a solid plan. A good year-end tax plan […]

Using a 401(k) to Boost Roth IRA Assets

September 1, 2015

The Roth IRA appeals to many people because of its long-term advantages. Sure, there are no tax breaks when you make contributions. You must contribute after-tax dollars. After that, though, the tax breaks multiply. Income and gains compound tax free within the IRA. You can take tax-free distributions of income and gains at any time […]

Strategies for Spending Your Nest Egg

July 1, 2015

The missing link in many retirement plans is the withdraw-al, distribution, or spending strategy. Accumulating for retirement is the easy part, and many people enter retirement with what seem to be adequate resources. Yet, a high percentage of Americans die owning their home equity and little more. Most rely heavily on Social Security to fund […]

Managing Second Homes and Taxes

June 1, 2015

The signs are we’re in or nearing a good time to look at a vacation home or second home, I wrote in our September 2012 visit. That turned out to be true. Prices have recovered in many popular vacation and second home areas, and forecasts are for reasonably steady demand as long as interest rates […]

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How to Minimize Taxes on Annuity Payouts

May 1, 2015

Annuities offer several benefits when you begin receiving distributions. You receive guaranteed income that lasts for life, no matter how long you live. The insurance company takes on the risks of low investment returns and a long life. You don’t have to worry about scheduling distributions or deciding which assets to sell to raise cash. […]

Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies

April 3, 2015

Here’s the latest and most comprehensive retirement financial planning guide. All the key financial issues of retirement are answered: How will you pay for retirement medical expenses? When should you begin Social Security benefits? When should you retire? How do you ensure you won’t run out of money in retirement? Should you buy long-term care […]

The New Rules of Retirement

April 3, 2015

Retirement and retirement planning are changing. They were changing before the bear market of 2000-2002, the recession of 2001, and before Sept. 11, 2001. Significant trends were already afoot that changed many aspects of retirement and retirement planning: the cost of retirement, pensions, health care, housing, the financial markets, estate planning, tax planning, and many […]

Should Annuities Be in IRAs?

April 1, 2015

It is past time to consign to the dustbin of financial history another long-time financial rule of thumb. I hear it regularly when making presentations. People say, “I thought it never was a good idea to buy an annuity in an IRA.” That used to be reasonable advice but no longer is in many cases. […]


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