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Home Equity & Senior Housing

Bob Carlson’s ideas and strategies for managing home equity and choice of housing to maintain a budget

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How to Avoid the Key Retirement Housing Mistakes

February 1, 2001

Retirement patterns in the U.S. are changing. That’s because many are finding that the traditional move to warmer climes isn’t for them. The “boomerang” or the “bounce-back” is becoming common for those who move to Florida or Arizona. Retirees have many more location options than they used to. Retiree-oriented developments are being built all over, […]

Hot New Retirement Locations

February 1, 2001

Older Americans might be becoming “half backs” instead of “snowbirds.” A snowbird, as you probably know, is someone who lives most of the year in a cold weather area but spends a few winter months in a warm weather state. Usually the retiree treks from a midwest or northeastern state to Florida. But many older […]


Should you buy or rent your winter home?

December 1, 2000

Winter is coming, and the thoughts of many retirees turn to warmer climates. The next thought for those who plan to spend part of the year at a second home is whether it makes sense to buy or rent that refuge. Not many years ago that was an easy decision. Real estate almost always appreciated […]


Tips on Getting The Right New Mortgage

April 1, 2000

Mortgage interest rates are tumbling, spurring many people to buy homes or refinance current mortgages. When shopping for a mortgage, one of the first decisions is whether to choose a fixed rate or adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), sometimes known as a variable rate mortgage. Often there is a meaningful difference, or spread, between interest rates […]


In my new Retirement Watch Spotlight Series, I’ll share my newest breakthrough strategies for protecting your assets and growing your portfolio, including how to prepare for the next market downturn. Click here now to learn more. 


New Retirement Living Choices

April 1, 2000

Traditional retirement living and housing choices are on the way out. The new generation of retirees is looking for new living experiences. Developers are obliging, giving older Americans more choices for living arrangements than ever. These new choices involve more than locating outside the traditional retirement havens of Florida and Arizona, as I discussed last […]


The Truth About Retiring Overseas

December 1, 1999

We’ve all heard and imagined the fantasies of living at least part of our retirement years overseas. You probably read articles and mail promotions describing overseas “retirement edens” and describing how you can live like a king on a couple thousand dollars a month. And of course, there are those fabulous tax breaks. It all […]


Medicaid Nursing Home Strategies

September 1, 1999

Many of you have seen those seminars or publications on shifting assets to qualify for Medicaid’s nursing home coverage. I know, because you send me questions about them. Here is a guide to those strategies and the angles you need to consider before pursuing them. Medicare, the program to assist seniors with health care, covers […]

estate planning

How to Use Your House to Increase Wealth

July 1, 1998

Many of you have achieved that ultimate financial goal of owning a home debt-free. As comforting as that is, it might not be the best financial move. Home equity can be a low risk way to increase your after-tax wealth, especially in this era of low cost, low interest rate, easy-to-get home equity loans. I’ve […]


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