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Insurance for Seniors

Retirement Watch highlights how to choose and manage insurance options courtesy of guru Bob Carlson

Found 60 Articles.
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Life Insurance as Savings and Investment

August 1, 2012

Investors are pouring money into an old investment: life insurance. That’s right. Life insurance can be an investment. Before interest rates were deregulated a few decades ago, life insurance and passbook savings accounts at the local bank were a major vehicle for saving and investing for many people. It became less popular after money market […]

Your Life Insurance Windfall on Death

February 2, 2012

One of the problems with many estates is the records are incomplete or unorganized. The executor and beneficiaries often don’t find out about all the assets available to them. One ripe source of unclaimed benefits is life insurance. Some estimate that there is $1 billion in unclaimed life insurance benefits. Many of the policy benefits […]

The New Looks in Homeowners’ Policies

February 1, 2012

Homeowner’s insurance is under-going major changes. You can’t take for granted important details about your homeowner’s insurance policy, and you can expect premium increases soon and probably over the next few years. The good news is you could receive a much higher level of service at little additional cost. Insurers are under a lot of […]

Re-Evaluating Your Life Insurance

June 1, 2011

Many people are reconsidering their life insurance coverage. The new estate tax law and low interest rates change the equation for many people. But don’t make a quick decision. Make a careful review with your estate planner. Most permanent life insurance was purchased to help pay estate taxes. The 2010 tax law moves many estates […]


What you don’t know about retirement can hurt you. In fact, just a few wrong decisions in your investments, taxes, or estate planning could completely derail your retirement plans. Worse yet, the rules of the game keep changing, making it harder to keep up. For these reasons, I’ve assembled all the key points – everything you need to know — into one comprehensive report. Click here today for free access.

Slashing Costs While Protecting Your Property

February 1, 2011

The most neglected part of personal finance could be property and casualty insurance. It’s a close contest with disability insurance. Most people either overpay or are underinsured for homeowner’s and auto insurance. Some do both. If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have enough coverage for liability, complete loss of your home, and damage […]

estate plannig

Adding Life Insurance Trusts to Your Estate Planning Strategy

November 1, 2010

Life insurance used to be a standard part of almost every Estate Planning Strategy. In recent years, insurance moved to the back burner or completely off the menu of many estate planning strategies. A recent article in The Wall Street Journal pointed out that the very wealthy make up the bulk of current permanent life […]

Estate Planning

Buying Life Insurance & Long Term Care Insurance Together

July 1, 2010

Consumers are finding ways to protect their wealth from long-term care expenses without buying long-term care insurance (LTCI). Consumers seeking these alternatives, however, need to know some details to ensure they buy the best coverage for them. LTCI sales should be booming. The big Baby Boomer generation is in the prime years for buying LTCI. […]

Estimating the Cost of Long-Term Care

July 1, 2009

The cost of long-term care is a mystery to many Americans. They hear the cost is high, and occasionally they hear quotes of national averages of the cost. But that does not help an individual plan for the cost or decide whether to buy long-term care insurance or how much to buy. A valuable tool […]


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