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Insurance for Seniors

Retirement Watch highlights how to choose and manage insurance options courtesy of guru Bob Carlson

Found 60 Articles.
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How to Slash Auto Insurance Costs

March 1, 2001

The airwaves are full of ads for lower auto insurance costs. But the commercials don’t tell you even half the story. Unfortunately, few people do their auto insurance correctly. There are many ways to cut your auto premiums without putting yourself at risk. This is especially good news for older Americans. Those premium reductions you […]

The Truth About Life Insurance Trusts

The Truth About Life Insurance Trusts

February 1, 2001

One estate tax shelter untouched by the government over the years is the irrevocable life insurance trust. At various times the IRS has tried to shut down this valuable tool, but the courts and Congress kept the structure intact. The purpose of an irrevocable life insurance trust is to exclude insurance benefits from the taxable […]


How to Profit from Your Old Life Insurance Policy

December 1, 2000

What should you do with that cash value life insurance policy you no longer need? Many of you have old cash value policies that aren’t doing you any good. Perhaps you bought them years ago when your insurance needs were much higher. Your insurance needs changed, because of increased wealth, divorce, or a spouse’s death. […]


The Most Common Life Insurance Mistake

May 1, 2000

Following rules of thumb can be dangerous to your wealth. Yet rules of thumb are the way many people decide how much life insurance to purchase. That’s why most people have either too much or too little life insurance. It’s one of the major financial mistakes. Buy too much life insurance, and you are wasting […]


What you don’t know about retirement can hurt you. In fact, just a few wrong decisions in your investments, taxes, or estate planning could completely derail your retirement plans. Worse yet, the rules of the game keep changing, making it harder to keep up. For these reasons, I’ve assembled all the key points – everything you need to know — into one comprehensive report. Click here today for free access.


Profiting From “Excess” Annuities and Cash Value Life Insurance

March 1, 2000

Many of you own annuities or cash value life insurance that no longer fit your needs. They were good ideas when you bought them. But times have changed, and so have your needs. Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to enhance the value of these policies to you. Let’s look at a creative strategy […]


7 Shrewd Insurance-Buying Tips

March 1, 2000

Insurance mistakes can be among the most expensive financial mistakes. Own too much insurance or the wrong insurance, and each year you’ll pay hundreds or thousands of dollars in premiums that don’t do you much good. Own too little insurance, and you could end up paying for losses that easily and cheaply could have been […]

Estate Planning

The Tax-Free Life Insurance Trust – An Estate Planning Strategy

June 1, 1999

There’s a big down-side to the boom in stocks and other financial assets. When the value of the assets you own goes up, so do potential estate and gift taxes. If you don’t take action, the IRS could end up with more of your estate than your loved ones. One easy way to handle the […]


How to Build a Better, Cheaper Life Insurance Trust for Estate Planning

March 1, 1999

You’ve probably seen the promotions for those tax-free “investments” that give a 10 to 1 return on your money. When you get past the initial pitch, you find that the investment is a life insurance policy that pays off for your heirs, not you. As part of the promotions, you’ll learn that the best way […]


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