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Wills and Estate Planning

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Electronic Wills Are Coming

November 20, 2019

Very slowly but surely, estate planning law is catching up to modern technology. The latest development paves the way for electronic wills in most states. An electronic will, or e-will, is one that recognizes the traditional formalities of a will when they’re in an electronic format. An e-will can be written in an electronic medium, […]

Ethical Wills – How to Transfer Your Values to Future Generations

November 20, 2019

You have more than the money and property in your estate to leave your loved ones. More and more people are interested in leaving something more meaningful and intangible as part of their legacies. They want to add a more personal element or statement to their estate plans. Estate planning at its most basic is […]

7 Things About Wills You Must Know

September 24, 2019

Everyone has heard of wills, but many people don’t know some key facts about them. A will is essential to every estate plan and is a very powerful document. Many people are surprised to learn what they can do in a will, but they also are surprised what a will can’t do. First, there are […]

estate planning

Will and Estate Planning Checklist Helps to Protect Heirs

April 8, 2019

Are you taking advantage of all the tools available to get your property to the next generation or other beneficiaries at a minimum cost in expenses in taxes? You are if you have taken or considered each of these factors. Do you have an up-to-date will? If you have minor children, does the will name […]

How to Choose Between Wills and Trusts

January 23, 2019

There are two tools available for passing the bulk of your legacy to others, and the best choice for one person might not be a good choice for another. The foundation of your estate plan can be either a will or a trust, usually a revocable Living Trust. They’re not exclusive. Most estates have both […]

Estate Planning Without Wills & Trusts – Part 2

July 20, 2018

In Part 1 of this article, I shared some of the avenues through which you can ensure transfer of assets without the need for wills and trusts. So this week, let’s continue the discussion with more ways to avoid probate and transfer property… starting with: Bank accounts. Though once obscure, payable on death (POD) bank accounts […]

estate planning

How to Manage Your Estate Planning without Wills, Trusts, and Probate

July 13, 2018

You might be surprised to learn that many Estate Planning goals can be accomplished without wills and trusts. In fact, using other tools can spare you some of the expense and complications of wills and trusts. These strategies also cause the assets to avoid the delay and expense of probate, transferring the title of each […]

Estate Planning

How to Write an Ethical Will for Your Estate Planning

May 4, 2018

Your estate plan is part of your legacy, but your legacy should be more than financial assets, material possessions and legal documents. For more and more people, the final touch to their estate plans is what sometimes is known as an ethical will. Others have called it a legacy letter, heritage will, family philosophy statement, […]

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