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Cash Management

Retirement Watch editor Bob Carlson discusses the importance of managing your cash well

Found 40 Articles.
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Should You Be Holding Cash?

April 8, 2015

Mohammed El-Erian, formerly of PIMCO, stunned a few people when he announced recently that his portfolio primarily was in cash. I know a lot of small investors also are heavily weighted in cash, because they’re afraid of all the other investments. Here’s an analysis of why you don’t want to be 100% in cash in […]

Analyzing the New Money Market Fund Rules

November 1, 2014

The Securities and Exchange Commission revised the rules for money market funds earlier in 2014, making the first substantive overhaul of the funds in decades. Investors need to understand the rules and consider if they want to make changes to where they cash is held after the rules are effective. The first thing to know […]

Why Are People Holding So Much Cash?

June 18, 2014

Stock markets and other investments have been on a roll since early 2009. But not many investors have enjoyed the increase. Investors are holding a lot of cash in their portfolios, and they increased cash holdings as markets rose, according to a new study. Why? Mostly because after the financial crisis people don’t trust the […]

The True Costs of Working in Retirement

February 1, 2014

More and more people say that they plan to work in “retirement.” A growing minority say they will never retire. I’m not opposed to that. There are good reasons to continue working after age 65 or any other age, even if it’s not full time work. Some people need the money. A few extra years […]


What you don’t know about retirement can hurt you. In fact, just a few wrong decisions in your investments, taxes, or estate planning could completely derail your retirement plans. Worse yet, the rules of the game keep changing, making it harder to keep up. For these reasons, I’ve assembled all the key points – everything you need to know — into one comprehensive report. Click here today for free access.

Taking a Financial Health Day

December 1, 2013

Most of you are familiar with the concept of a mental health day, when a person takes a day off from work to relax and recharge. Most of us need a financial health day to increase our financial independence and well-being. There are many relatively simple, easy steps people need to take to improve their […]

Where is Cash Being Invested?

April 23, 2013

Early in the year I reported to Retirement Watch readers that cash balances were extremely high. Many people and businesses made moves late in 2012 to avoid higher taxes they suspected could take effect in 2013. The moves generated a lot of cash from asset sales, special dividends, and the like. Money market funds and […]

Increasing Cash by Automating Your Finances

May 1, 2012

Many people are overwhelmed by the financial options and decisions they face. That’s clear from both the feedback I receive from people and studies I read. When people are overwhelmed and uncertain, they procrastinate. We need to prevent procrastination in financial matters. It’s too expensive. One of my goals is to simplify your financial life. […]

How Safe Is Your Brokerage Account?

March 1, 2012

The safety of brokerage accounts is front and center for the first time since 2008, thanks to the bankruptcy of MF Global. News stories indicate that about $1.6 billion of customer funds disappeared from MF Global accounts. Customers are denied access to all or part of their account balances and many won’t be made whole. […]


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