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Investing Strategies

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An Easy Way To Beat Most Other Investors

June 1, 2002

Simplify your investment portfolio and your returns will increase. That’s part of the philosophy behind our investment approach, especially our Core Portfolios. Most investors own too many assets. Many others complicate investing by trying to decide the best time to buy and sell. The result often is that they neither buy nor sell – or […]


How to Keep Prospering in Retirement?

May 1, 2002

We were safety-first investors before it was trendy, and it has paid off. I’ve noticed that recent ads for financial service companies emphasize diversification, balance, and safety. Meanwhile, media stories have started focusing on income, valuations, and long-term stability. It is a little late, but we’re happy to welcome them to the club. Over two […]


How to Boost Your Investment Income

February 1, 2002

Our “growth bonds” and Income Growth Portfolio continue to offer high and growing dividends to investors. These are great alternatives for income investors who have been burned by traditional income investments. The last decade was difficult for income investors. Yields on bonds and stocks slid all through the 1990s. The average money market fund now […]


How to Make Your Income Grow

August 1, 2001

Take a look at my new recommended portfolio. The Income Growth Portfolio is for those who can meet their current expenses with an income yield from their portfolios of 3% to 5%. But these investors are relatively young. They need the income and principal to grow over 15 to 30 years to keep pace with […]


How to Make the Nest Egg Last?

October 1, 2000

What return or yield do you need to make your nest egg last? How much can you safely withdraw from your retirement fund? Those are the key questions of retirement, because no one wants to run out of money. More people are asking these questions since interest rates settled near their lowest levels in decades […]


New Ways to Invest for Grandchildren

August 1, 2000

The market sent a message to grandparents the last few years. To ensure the success of your plan to leave the grandchildren wealth, heed this message. A time-honored practice when setting up an account or trust for grandchildren is to buy shares in one or a few favored companies, then leave them alone. The grandchildren […]


Strategies for Income that lasts a Lifetime

March 1, 1999

Investing for income might not be the safest way to manage your retirement portfolio. Income investments certainly seem safe in the short-term. The income usually is secure. You can plan on it. The principal value doesn’t have the great gyrations you see in the stock market. But retirement can last 20 or 30 years. In […]


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